Case Study Education

GDPR training and implementation for independant, maintained and academy schools.

Independent School

A request was received from Ditchum Park School, to help with GDPR implementation and training of all staff.

The school has a dedicated data privacy team but there was a requirement for additional support and cross over from Data Protection 1998 to the new General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018. With a program of targeted training and consultancy we were able to provide an education specific program for the school including:

  • SLT awareness training
  • Gate keeper training
  • All staff briefing
  • Chief Privacy Officer training 2 Days
  • Progress check

The project was delivered over several visits and organised around the availability of staff in order to reduce impact on teaching.


Academy Trust

A request was received from the Ruth Gorse Academy Trust, Leeds to help with GDPR implementationand training of all staff.

The trust has a mixture of secondary, primary and sixth forms schools which are governed centrally, including data protection, within the  trust and they requested help in implementing  the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018. A structure was designed for the trust which involved a chief privacy officer (CPO) within each school who are supported by a trust level chief privacy officer (CPO),  who with initial training and support, eventually will become the trust data protection officer (DPO).

With a program of targeted training and consultancy we were able to provide an education specific program for the trust including:

  • SLT awareness training
  • Gate keeper training
  • All staff briefing for over 760 staff
  • Chief Privacy Officer training for the school CPO’s
  • Dedicated training for the trust CPO

The project was delivered over several visits and organised around the availability of staff in order to reduce impact on teaching.