Training Education

Overview of the program

This program has been created in a specific way to ensure the best possible outcome in implementing the GDPR within your school through;

  • Awareness sessions
  • Education specific training courses
  • Hands on workshops
  • Data Protection Officer Mentoring 
  • Resource kit (Inc. handouts, templates and example policies and procedures).

...all of which have been based around a unique resource kit and designed, in conjunction with the onsite consultancy options,  to support a school in awareness and implementation of the GDPR whilst creating a privacy culture.

The program has now been delivered to over 600 schools either direct or on behalf of local authorities or GDPR Consortium partners.


Economy of scale

The GDPR Consortium understands the limited budgets schools have available and therefore have created a set day rate to your school which allows you to either add in a number of courses to fill the day i.e. SLT awareness, gatekeepers and all staff briefings within the same day or alternatively, and especially on some of the full day courses such as gatekeeper and chief privacy officer courses, allow schools to invite other neighbouring schools in order to spread the cost.


The training is delivered by a number of trainers who are GDPR Practitioners, CIPP/E certified, members of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and have extensive experience of the education sector...

All course materials are provided including printed delegate handouts with presenter notes and an electronic copy of the course materials, including the resource kit link, for future referral and internal school use.

Overview of courses available.

SLT Awareness


A 2 hr presentation to provide GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 information to SLT members for awareness and strategic oversight.

School Gatekeeper Training

A 1/2  day course designed for key data handlers to understand their data protection responsibilities and to provide skills to ingrain best practice whilst reducing risk.

Chief Privacy Officer Training

(Maintained schools)

A full-day training course and workshop designed to inform the school Chief Privacy Officer of the key elements of the new data privacy laws.

Chief Privacy Officer Day 1

(Independent Schools and Academies)

A full-day training session designed to inform the school Chief Privacy Officer of the key elements of the new data protection laws.

Chief Privacy Officer Day 2

(Independent Schools and Academies)

A hands-on workshop session for the school CPO (or team member with data protection responsibilities), to strengthen their skills and assist them in providing peer support and guidance within the school.