Getting Graceful with GDPR

The new General Data Protection Act and Data Protection Act 2018 have put personal data and communications in the spotlight like never before.

Organisations are operating in the glare of public awareness with many still reeling in the hysteria of the GDPR May deadline. But it’s important to give the impression of keeping one’s head even if everyone else appears to be losing theirs.

If your organization handles data, then your customers or service users need to perceive you doing this confidently whilst diligently upholding the new law. Whilst meanwhile, behind the scenes, it’s likely that you’re undergoing major transformations to conform to the changing landscape.

The best metaphor for this is that of a swan. What you see on the surface is serenity: everything going swimmingly with a sense of calm control. But the activity away from the public gaze is likely to resemble manic paddling below the waterline.

Creating an outward professional calmness gives your customers confidence in your organisation, which will probably reduce the number of subject access requests you receive. Meanwhile, behind the scenes we recommend working away incessantly to develop high levels of competence in relation to data privacy. And don’t forget this will also give you a competitive edge.

5 ways to make your GDPR strategy more graceful

1. Be clear and consistent with your customers

2. Only send well considered communications showing you are in control

3. Ensure your staff have a robust awareness of your obligations

4. Document your policies and always do what you say you will

5. Develop a contingency strategy so you’re prepared if things go wrong.

Have you implemented your Swan Strategy yet? 

DHR Consultancy has helped many organisations around the country implement an effective swan strategy including national software companies, schools (of all types), national transport companies, local authorities, national manufacturing companies and numerous small businesses. Contact us for further information

Author: Darren Rose CIPP/E

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